Eurotrip: July 2007

Monday, July 30, 2007

Redbull Air Race: London

Jeff, Mel and myself made our way out to the track near the Millennium Dome, it was a bit of a struggle after Nicole's birthday drinks the night before but we made it on time. We had standing tickets but managed to score some really good seats anyway with a great view of the course. The planes were amazing flying in at around 400kmph and negotiating the course in about 1 and a half minutes. After flying through the chicanes one plane flew in too hot and looked like it was heading straight for us, luckily for us it managed to pull back towards the course. They also had a lynx helicopter that was breathtaking, it was doing loops and barrel rolls which just doesn't look right for a helicopter, a red bull one was also doing some acrobatics with the musical score from psycho playing over the loud speakers. Overall it was one of the best events I have been to so far in London.

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Nicoles Birthday

We started off the day early visiting Jeffs place to play his Nintendo Wii, it was great fun and Mel won most of the games. I didnt go so well but managed to hit the roof a few times with the controller. After we finished up on the Wii we headed out to Shoreditch to catch up with Nic and her friends for her birthday.

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Friday, July 20, 2007

Black Rebel Motorcycle Club Gig

Jeff and me made our way to Sommerset House after surviving the streets of Algate East. The gig rocked, the acoustics were fantastic and you could get nice and close to the stage. They played a 2 hour set which included all my favourites as well as a few I havent heard before.

These guys are definitely worth seeing, check out there new album Baby 81.

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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Daves Wedding

I met Dave playing for the Rebel Scum back in Brisbane, he left for the UK about a year before me. I was invited to his wedding, hopefully not just because I was over here at the time ;-) Anyway the wedding went really well and the receiption was at a really posh hotel near Russel Square. Afterwards I met up with Scotty and Chris for a few beers at the Putney Walkabout. I can tell you now I was the only person in a suit there, probably ever.

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Felicities Going away

Fliss left us a few fridays ago to start working as a chef for a tour company called Top Deck. A great way to see Europe and get paid for it apparently.

We went out to a chinese restaurant overlooking Tower Bridge and then headed out to a secret nightclub called Shunt which is under London Bridge. It was a great night, anyway here are a few photos.

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