Nice, France
We made it to Nice after a 10 Hour train trip from Barcelona, we were lucky to make it. I had to attempt to bribe a hotel worker who couldnt speak English to release Mels passport that they we holding while we stayed there. After about 10 minutes I convinced him to accept cash for our payment and we got it back. We had to run for 2km to the train station and just made it.
We arrived in Nice last night and found our hotel pretty easy. We went out for a walk this morning and there is a huge Triathalon on here with tv coverage etc. The weather isnt too good atm and its really windy but looks like its clearing up. I cant put any photos up because this PC hasnt got any USB connections.
The Aus Vs Cro was a heart stopper, Mel and me watched in a bar in Barcelona with about 5 so called Australians but they all had either South African or US accents. I was glad we came away with a draw and cant wait till the big game tomorrow. We have already found a good pub, its an English one and they have cheap beers and English commentry. I am here at the moment and will be watching England play in a few hours. If you are wondering why I havent responded to your sms, I am currently out of credit and having problems putting more on even though I have purchased it. Hopefully that will be fixed soon. Brett and Mel

Labels: eurotrip, france, nice